Most writers need three things to get to where they want to go in their calling:
A coach
A cheerleader
A community
Writing with Grace: The Mastermind provides all three for writers who are serious about moving forward.
Writing can feel lonely, direction can seem foggy, and the publishing world is difficult to navigate without a guide. The truth is, if you want to seriously pursue your dreams as a writer and move forward in your goals of writing a book, working toward publication, or finishing a project, it’s extremely challenging to go the road alone.
That’s why Ann Swindell is leading The Writing with Grace Mastermind. This intimate group of 10-16 female Christian writers will be in a year-long intentional writing community led by Ann.
Previous Mastermind students have:
- Had their books published with traditional publishing houses such as Moody Publishers, B&H Publishers, Christian Focus Publishers, and more.
- Had their articles published with dream publications such as The Gospel Coalition, Southern Living, Risen Motherhood, Garden & Gun, Christian Parenting, and many more.
- Gone on to work in the editing field, both full-time and part-time.
- Finished their manuscripts for projects they’d only dreamed about completing.
- Taken a position as a newspaper columnist!
- Self-published their books.
- Found the writing community they’d dreamed about and prayed for!

“The WWG Mastermind has helped me not only grow as a writer, but as a person. Ann is a gifted teacher and also cares deeply about the soul of the writer. Her encouragement, personal support, prayer, guidance, and insight has been invaluable to me in both my writing life and my personal life. There’s a lot you can learn online and through other resources about writing, but there comes a point where you need someone to speak into you personally as a writer. Ann and the rest of the women in this group have been that for me. I’m so, so grateful I got to spend this year learning from and being supported by Ann and the community of writers in this Mastermind.”
–Sarah, WWG Mastermind participant, and author of All Who Are Weary
If you know Ann Swindell, you know that she is a wholehearted cheerleader and champion of other women writers; she believes that God has created more than enough space in the Kingdom for every writer to flourish in her own sphere of influence. She loves equipping fellow writers and helping them make the connections in the industry that they need to thrive.
Ann is also a natural coach and gifted teacher: she taught writing and creative writing courses at Wheaton College (IL) for five years before starting Writing with Grace. Ann holds an MA in Writing from DePaul University as well as an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing from Seattle Pacific University. She is both a nonfiction and fiction author, and has published with Tyndale House Publishers (Still Waiting), Bethany House (The Path to Peace), and WhiteCrown (Christmas in the Castle Library, forthcoming 2024) and her work has appeared in numerous anthologies, devotionals, and publications, from The Gospel Coalition to Risen Motherhood.
This mastermind will also provide the invaluable gift of intentional community with other writers. The intimacy of the group means that we will get to know each other well and deeply; our monthly meetings will include encouragement, practical teaching, accountability, and feedback from one another. If you’re a part of this mastermind, you’re in. All in. We want and need your voice, your thoughts, your words, and your heart, because having women alongside of you who understand your dreams and want to help you see them come to fruition is a treasure that can’t be overstated.
“The Writing with Grace Mastermind is so much more than I could have imagined! Under Ann’s Christ-focused teaching, I became a better writer, met other wonderful women of God, and gained confidence in my calling as a writer. The Mastermind blends fellowship and Jesus-centered teaching in a way that inspired and encouraged me as a writer. We truly became a writing family, and supported and encouraged each other along the way.”–Lisa, WWG Mastermind participant
Writing with Grace: The Mastermind will include practical writing instruction, community accountability, and monthly content editing and feedback from Ann. While not all participants are interested in publication (nor do they need to be!), Mastermind writers have gone on to have their books traditionally published (including Moody, B&H, Christian Focus Publications), others have self-published beautiful books, and others have seen their articles published in their dream publications. But most of all, Mastermind participants have been faithful to the Lord’s call on their lives as writers!
See further details in the graphic below:

If Writing with Grace: the Mastermind sounds like a fit for you as you pursue your calling as a writer with Christ at the center, applications open on July 1st, 2024. After July 1st, click here to apply. Registration closes at midnight PST on July 31st, 2024, and applicants will hear back by mid-August.
Application is required, and admission to the mastermind is not guaranteed. Once your application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation that we have received your information. For any questions, reach out to WritingwithGraceCourse@gmail.com
“This year in Writing With Grace: The Mastermind, I have been challenged, supported, stretched, and inspired in my calling as a writer and as a child of God. The combination of Ann’s excellent teaching and encouragement, along with the accountability of focused new friendships make the Mastermind a perfect community for growth and accomplishment. Ann deliberately shepherds the group in building writing skills and lovingly affirms each participant’s work as valuable in the Kingdom of God.”
–Laura, WWG Mastermind participant“In the midst of the day-to-day duties, drudgeries, and distractions, my writing life was first to fall by the wayside – relegated to a hobby ‘I might take up again some day, when the kids are grown.’ The Writing with Grace Mastermind restored the drive to put pen to paper and concurrently grow in my faith. I wear many hats right now, as wife, mother, daughter, and – thanks to this community and program – writer.”
–Eleanor, WWG Mastermind participant