Guest Post at (in)courage: Friendship…A Piece of Cake


I’m excited to be a guest blogger today over at (in)courage, sharing about how a piece of cake helped me know Jesus more fully through friendship.

I have spent most of my life being the pursuer in female friendships. In junior high and high school, I was the one who always invited girlfriends over to my house. In college, I was the one who invited other women to coffee dates. Even now, as a mom, I am the one in our circle of friends who plans the get-togethers most of the time. The other day, when I mentioned scheduling another dinner, one of my friends laughingly responded, “I was just thinking to myself — Ann needs to organize another girl’s night!”

And I don’t mind it. Really. I’m outgoing, proactive, social. I like bringing women together and helping to create a space in which we can rest, reflect, and laugh together. It’s important. It doesn’t happen enough.

But sometimes I forget how special it feels to be pursued by other women in friendship. Last week, I was reminded.

Read the rest of the article here!



  1. So glad you shared on (in)courage today, Ann! I loved your post!

    • Thanks so much, Holley! I am thankful for (in)courage and so grateful to be a part of the blog today! Thanks for all you do for women through the site!

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