This is my newest article for Focus on the Family. You can read the entire article here.
Before we had kids, my husband and I had the opportunity to see our pastor’s family up close. We were in their home often for small groups and hangouts, and we saw they lived differently than other families we knew.
The parents loved being with their kids—and vice-versa. They weren’t driven by the machine of the culture around them, with every spare minute filled with activities. Instead, they had lots of family time and church-family time. They had family mottos and vision, which even the littlest kids in the family knew by heart. And they invited others into their home warmly—ourselves included. The more we got to know this family, the more we realized their thriving family culture stemmed from centering their identity in Christ rather than in what they did or accomplished.
When Michael and I had kids, we knew we wanted to cultivate a similar culture in our own home, and we wanted to do it intentionally. But we also came to see that creating a thriving family culture centered on Christ starts with first being people whose personal identity is grounded in the Lord alone.
You can read the rest of the article here.