How To Help Your Kids Find God’s Peace

This is my newest article for Family Life You can read the entire article here.

Our kids live in a crazy world. The news offers a constant stream of war, devastation, and disease. Social media paints unrealistic pictures of life and friendships. The demands of academics, sports, and clubs pile up. It’s no surprise that anxiety and depression are rising among children and teenagers.

Feeling overwhelmed is often par for the course for kids.

As parents, how can we help our children find peace? More specifically, how can we teach our kids not only about God’s peace, but also how to experience that peace in their day-to-day lives? In our own journey of parenting (and after spending a couple of years writing a book about peace), my husband and I have found three meaningful ways to help our children live in the peace Jesus offers.

You can read the rest of the article here.

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Christmas Movies and the Gospel

This is my newest article for Risen Motherhood. You can read the entire article here. We are squarely in the middle of Christmas movie season—not