Scriptures to Help You Find Peace When You’re Overwhelmed

This is my newest article for Propel Women. You can read the entire article here.

Let’s face it: life often feels overwhelming—especially in the responsibilities we carry as leaders. Bad news shocks us, financial struggles surprise us, and relational issues wear us down. Whether we are in the corporate world, ministry, home, or some combination of these roles, it’s easy to allow changing circumstances and our shifting emotions to wreak havoc on our days.

The good news is that the Lord is near to all who call on him in truth (Psalm 145:18), and he desires to meet our overwhelm with his peace. No matter what situation, conversation, or emotion you’re facing right now, Christ’s peace is available to you—and the precious people you’re leading.

Here are three verses to help us walk in peace when we feel overwhelmed

You can read the rest of the article here.

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Give Your Kids Better Heroes

This is my newest article for The Gospel Coalition. You can read the entire article here. When a pair of hand-me-down flip-flops recently arrived in