Christ’s Peace in Our Pain

This is my newest article for Deeply Rooted. You can read the entire article here.

Several years ago, when our family was struggling with deep pain and sorrow after my husband was fired from his ministry job, I didn’t know how to emotionally move out of the deep pit that I was in. But the life of Mary Magdalene in the Scripture gives us a glimpse of how we can begin to move from pain to peace.

Mary Magdalene is often known as the woman from whom seven demons had been cast out (Luke 8:1-2). But she was also a faithful disciple of Christ’s, one who had ministered to Jesus and followed him as he taught and healed in his years of ministry. And she stayed faithful to Jesus all the way to his death: although others had left, she was at the cross “looking on from a distance” (see Matthew 27:55-56). She remained faithful to the end.

But Mary Magdalene’s life had become very small and narrow in a matter of hours: her entire life as she knew it—as a follower of Jesus—was over. He was dead, and her grief must have been immense. But with her future in limbo and her purpose unclear, Mary Magdalene focused on the next thing in front of her: doing what she could to serve Jesus.

He was gone, and she didn’t yet know that he would be coming back in defeat of death. But what she did know was that he deserved a burial worthy of a man of honor—and she was determined to give that to him.

You can read the rest of the article here.

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Christmas Movies and the Gospel

This is my newest article for Risen Motherhood. You can read the entire article here. We are squarely in the middle of Christmas movie season—not