Peace When You Need it Most 

This is my newest article for Risen Motherhood. You can read the entire article here.

I found myself clenching my fists—again. My daughter was confused about her math lesson and was asking for help; my son needed my attention right now. I was trying to finish up the dishes as my mind swirled. I needed to pay our quarterly taxes, the car desperately needed an oil change, I hadn’t replied to an important email in three days, I had no idea what to make for dinner, my daughter needed new ballet tights, I should work with my son on his letter recognition, my husband had asked me to fix a button on his coat, my mom had asked me to email her a file, our small group was waiting for a text from me, I was cutting it close with a deadline for work, my Tuesday babysitter had canceled, and my best friend was sick and I’d promised to drop off dinner this week. 

My breath started to come in small bursts. Pain pulsed at the back of my neck.

I felt overwhelmed. 

Standing in my kitchen on that particular Monday, nothing was an immediate emergency. But the minutiae of needs threatened to pull me under.

You can read the rest of the article here.

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Christmas Movies and the Gospel

This is my newest article for Risen Motherhood. You can read the entire article here. We are squarely in the middle of Christmas movie season—not