Writing Your Story Can Change Your Life

I started writing my story years ago; long before I was anywhere near a book contract or a marketing team, I felt that the Lord was inviting me into a process of writing my story down and–in the process–meeting him in the middle of it. I’m not sure I’ve done anything more powerful in my personal spiritual journey than write my memoir.

Memoir is the genre that I love the most, because it’s the genre that allows us–even gently forces us–to re-examine the lives that we have been living as we write them down on the page. A good memoir isn’t autobiography, and it isn’t a personal journal. It’s the true story of our lives written in such a way that others can understand, access, and be changed by it.

I’m not sure there’s a more dynamic form of the written word.

Our God is the God of story, and he loves making himself known through our stories; it’s how he’s wired us. We start loving stories as children, and we inherently know when a story has a satisfying or unacceptable ending, because we were made to long for resolution, peace, and hope.

If you’ve always wanted to write your story, or if you’ve been wondering how you can tell your story in a meaningful way, I’m going to suggest that writing your memoir might be one of the most powerful things you can do in your personal journey with Jesus. Down the road, might your story impact hundreds or thousands of people? I hope so! But in these days and months, writing your story will transform you most of all. I know that it has transformed me; I got to see Jesus at work all over again as I’ve written my memoir over the past years.

I just opened registration for the Writing with Grace Memoir course that starts in October. To say that I’m thrilled about this class is an understatement; I’m practically jumping out of my chair!

I’d love for you to join me over at Writing with Grace–you can even see the video that we created just for this course. And because of the craziness of the last year and a half, I’m offering this course at 25% off–for everyone. I think we all need the chance to write our stories.

So, if you’ve been aching to write your story, this is your time. I can’t wait to see you there!

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Christmas Movies and the Gospel

This is my newest article for Risen Motherhood. You can read the entire article here. We are squarely in the middle of Christmas movie season—not