How to Love a Friend Through Crisis

This is the start of my newest article for Risen Motherhood.

When my friend experienced a sudden loss, her family was plunged into crisis. Her days were lived out in a fog, and she desperately needed the help and support of the church. As one of her good friends, I was often over at her home, helping to navigate the practical and spiritual needs of their family.

Crisis is, by its very nature, unexpected. When someone we love loses their job overnight, suddenly finds their marriage in shambles, or receives a devastating diagnosis, their world effectively stops. As a friend, we have the powerful opportunity to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). This is the opportunity to shoulder the weight of this crisis together so that our friend does not break under the weight of it alone.

The calling to tangibly be the hands and feet of Christ to a friend in crisis is both beautiful and challenging. As mothers, our days are already filled with the stressors and responsibilities of motherhood, and it can feel overwhelming to support someone else, even if it’s a friend we dearly love. But with God’s help, we respond with wisdom and grace.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach for loving our friends well through crisis, there are helpful ways that we, as moms, can come alongside of them and support them during one of the toughest seasons of their lives.

Read the rest of the article at Risen Motherhood!

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Christmas Movies and the Gospel

This is my newest article for Risen Motherhood. You can read the entire article here. We are squarely in the middle of Christmas movie season—not