Mothering in a Pandemic: Trusting Christ and Walking in Peace

In all of the books that we might have read about mothering, in all of the conversations that we’ve had with moms and grandmothers who have gone before us, we couldn’t have imagined that we’d be mothering during a pandemic. And yet, here we are. Our daily lives are being shaped by the realities of a virus that has spread its influence across the globe. There are new challenges, new struggles, and unexpected trials for many of us right now. Thankfully, God is not surprised by where we are. He is still in control, and our lives belong to him.

So, in the midst of a world that has changed quickly and radically, how do we respond well? As followers of Christ and mothers to our children, here are four ideas for living faithfully in this unexpected season.

Strengthen Your Own Heart in the Lord 

While investing time in daily schedules, homeschooling efforts, and meal planning are valuable for loving our families, the most necessary thing we need is to daily meet with the Lord.   Spending time in his word and in prayer enables us to move forward in hope and peace.

Many of us have children at home for more hours than we had planned. Others of us are juggling full or part-time work from home along with the needs of our children. Some of us are struggling with health issues and concerns that are compounded by the current situation. And many of us are dealing with financial blows that won’t stop. These are real trials that must be faced. But we cannot face these trials with hope if we are not deeply rooted and established in the love of God and in the truth of his word (Ephesians 3:17)

As we strengthen our hearts in the Lord, the news and struggles of daily life can be put into an eternal perspective. We might experience anxiety and fear, but we can run to God in the midst of it. This pandemic has impacted all of us in different ways, but our need to remember and live out the truth of the gospel remains the same. Even in trials, he is your good Father (see Romans 8:28). He knows what is ahead for you. Spend time with him and allow the gospel to shape how you see your days, responsibilities, and the people you are living with—and watch him transform you from the inside out during this season.

Read the rest of the article here, at Risen Motherhood!

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Christmas Movies and the Gospel

This is my newest article for Risen Motherhood. You can read the entire article here. We are squarely in the middle of Christmas movie season—not