This is the start of my newest article for Darling Magazine.
You can read the entire article here, at Darling!
It’s a question that most of us bump up against for decades, no matter what it is we are in the middle of doing: Is this what I’m called to do? We wonder, in the middle of our working and coaching and mothering and writing and dancing and dating and marrying and studying:
Should I be doing something else? Why am I still not sure what I’m made for?
Let us remember this first: None of us are stagnant souls. We will not be called to do the same thing in the same way for the whole of our lives. Our “calling” and our purpose in any particular season of life may shift and change, as we do. But at this start of the new year, it is worthwhile to step back from the immediacy of the demands we face in order to re-evaluate what our calling might look like in this particular time. It is valuable to seek to develop our purpose right now so that we can live fully and presently, exactly where we are.
Here are five tools to help you in uncovering and clarifying the direction and passion of your life, right now, this year.
1. PowerSheets
Lara Casey has created a workbook that is packed with meaningful questions for the reader to ask herself about her dreams, her goals, and her why behind everything she does. While PowerSheets includes goal-setting priorities and visually engaging ways to see your progress toward those goals, where it really shines is as a tool to help readers clarify their life purpose and direction. Lara is the author of the bestselling Make it Happen book, and PowerSheets pairs well with that text. I found this resource to be deeply meaningful in unearthing my own desires and dreams for the coming year, and I think you will, too.
2. StrengthsFinder
In the midst of hundreds of personality tests, StrengthsFinder differs in that it focuses exclusively on the reader’s top strengths — places of ability, insight, and influence that the individual already carries in herself. The StrengthsFinder book comes with a code for an online test that readers can take; out of 32 strengths, the quiz will clarify the top five.
StrengthsFinder is often used in businesses and organizations to help create a sense of understanding between team members, and my husband and I have found it to be deeply helpful in clarifying our strengths as individuals and in our marriage. When we understand our tendencies and gifts through the lens of strength — and how those strengths can encourage those around us — we can better see our purpose and direction in a given season of life.
Read about the other three resources here, at Darling Magazine!